Deadline for Entries is April 1st.
- A student may enter more than one composition and more than one class but only one prize will be awarded to any individual. The composition must be a new composition, not previously entered in the CFMTA Student Composer competition.
- The contestant must be eligible in his chosen age group as of the upcoming June 1.
- Each entry is assumed to be the original work of the individual whose name appears on the entry form attached to the manuscript. Any infraction of this regulation could result in the nullification of the offending entry.
- All rights to his/her original work will be retained by the contestant, but winning compositions may be displayed or employed by the MRMTA or CFMTA for publicity purposes after consultation with and agreement of the contestant.
- First place Provincial winning manuscripts at the Provincial level may be forwarded by the Provincial Canada Music Week® Coordinator to the CFMTA office before June 1st in order to be included in the Canada-wide judging. MRMTA assumes the National entry fee.
Contestants must be Canadian citizens or legal residents of Canada AND currently student with a current member of the Registered Music Teacher's Association. This includes Canadian citizens living in Canada or abroad. Self-taught students do not qualify.
Manuscripts printed by computers are preferred. If submitting handwritten manuscripts, they should be neat and legibly written in black ink, in regulation manuscript size: including all necessary details of dynamics, editing and tempo, with every 10th measure numbered. Submission of a recording is optional, but recommended if available.
- The judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into after final judging.
- Any National level entrant who moves after June 1st must advise the Provincial Coordinator of his/her new address.
- The winner's cheque must be cashed within thirty days of receipt of same.
- A completed entry form including the appropriate entry fee must accompany each composition submitted. See the Manitoba entry form for details.
- Prizes will not be awarded if the adjudicator feels the standard has not been achieved.
- Contestant may submit entries under the following categories:
CATEGORY "PREPARATORY" 8 YEARS AND UNDER (as of the upcoming June 1)
CLASS 1. To write an original composition for solo instrument or any combination of instruments (minimum 12 measures) - $50 AWARD
CLASS 2. To write an original composition for voice with or without accompaniment (minimum 12 measures) - $50 AWARD
CATEGORY "A" 11 YEARS AND UNDER (as of the upcoming June 1)
CLASS 1. To write an original composition for solo instrument OR any combination of instruments (minimum 16 measures) - $75 AWARD
CLASS 2. To write an original composition for voice with or without accompaniment (minimum 16 measures) - $75 AWARD
CATEGORY "B" 15 YEARS AND UNDER (as of the upcoming June 1)
CLASS 1. Same as CATEGORY "A" CLASS 1 - $100 AWARD
CLASS 2. Same as CATEGORY "A" CLASS 2 - $100 AWARD
CATEGORY "C" 19 YEARS AND UNDER (as of the upcoming June 1)
To write an original composition for any instrument OR any combination of instruments, OR voice(s) OR combination of voice(s) and instruments, with accompaniment when accompaniment is necessary for the performance - $150 AWARD
Same as CATEGORY "C" - $250 AWARD
CATEGORY "E" Electronic Music Category (Adjudication only - does not advance to National competition.)
To produce an original composition where the musical material is generated from manipulating and combining sounds electronically. These sounds can be retrieved from acoustic and/or electronic sources. The composition can be stand-alone electronically or combined with acoustic instrumentation. Electronic-only compositions shall be submitted as an .mp3 or .wav audio file. Compositions combining electronic music with acoustic instrumentation must include both a recording and score. Submissions must include programme notes that provide details on the source of the audio material and the process of manipulation.
HELEN DAHLSTROM AWARD - An award in the amount of $250 is given annually to the best national composition as selected by the adjudicator. Helen Dahlstrom was the founder of Canada Music Week.
Deadline for Entries April 1st. Please see Manitoba Entry Form.